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By Lapayowker Jet Counsel 01 Apr, 2024
Mr. Lapayowker appeared on a recent episode of The Pay & Proxy Podcast, titled Corporate Aircraft Use – The Latest Trends & IRS Audit Plans. With the Wall Street Journal highlighting a significant increase in personal use of corporate aircraft in recent years, and the IRS initiating an “aircraft audit” program to scrutinize whether companies… The post Stewart Lapayowker Appears on The Pay & Proxy Podcast first appeared on Lapayowker Jet Counsel.
By Stewart Lapayowker 20 Oct, 2020
An offer to purchase an aircraft customarily includes a variety of terms, chief among them the purchase price that the buyer will pay and a list of technical delivery conditions (inspections current, airworthiness directives complied with, complete records, etc.). During the pre-purchase inspection, the inspection facility performs an independent evaluation of the aircraft and issues… The post Delivery Conditions: Fundamental Assumptions that an Aircraft Buyer Assumes When Agreeing on Price first appeared on Lapayowker Jet Counsel.
By Stewart Lapayowker 09 Oct, 2020
It seems like every time there are new entrants to the aviation market (in this case driven by the correct perception that private aircraft are safer than airlines when it comes to exposure to COVID-19), the old shenanigans raise their ugly heads. These new seekers of safe flying  are not experienced in business aviation, including… The post The Hokey Schemes Are Back! first appeared on Lapayowker Jet Counsel.

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