If you’ve seen the new Star Trek movie or are a fan of earlier movies, you may recall that every officer is tested in what is called the “Kobayashi Maru” scenario. This involves the trainee being placed in an untenable position – he or she needs to choose to try to rescue another ship while facing certain death or save his own ship and let hundreds of passengers on the other ship perish. Kirk finds a solution (he cheats the test) but the point is that he doesn’t believe in the “no-win” scenario.
While there may not be a perfect solution for every issue encountered in an aircraft transaction, something can typically be done to accommodate fundamental issues that arise, and having a positive mental attitude while dealing with a difficult seller or buyer (or their representatives) is an important part of getting the deal done. Transactions are fluid, can change on a daily basis, and involve give and take. There are times when rigidity is important, but at other times rigidity can result in a busted deal with all parties circling their wagons. Some empathy and a little creativity can make all the difference.
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